Automation API

Active-Pro Automation API

The Active-Pro Software Application has a built in interface that allows you to control the application through your own program. This Application Programming Interface (API) defines how an external program can control the Active-Pro Application. It allows control of all features of the Active-Pro through simple string commands over a TCP Socket. We have also made a simple command line app that allows you to send commands and receive responses without writing any code.

If you are a coder, the Active-Pro Automation API uses TCP sockets to allow your custom developed application to send Commands and receive Responses with the Active-Pro Application that is attached to the Active-Pro hardware pod. Your application can be written in any language that you are familiar with. The examples that we show below are using C language and the QT library of routines, but many languages have similar functionality which you can port easily.

If you want to simply call a command line program to send a command to the Active-Pro Application, jump to the section below.

This API is available in software version 3.8 and above.

Commands and Responses

Below is the table of Commands and possible Responses. All Commands and Responses must have only one newline character at the end (‘\n’ which is hex byte 0x0A). Commands are not case sensitive. Each line below shows command -> responses.

Ping Active-Pro Application

This command checks that the TCP Socket connection to the Active-Pro Application is working correctly.

Hello -> HELLO

Connection to Active-Pro Device

This command determines if the Active-Pro hardware device is connected and the Active-Pro Application can communicate with it.

isConnected -> YES/NO

Capture Control

These commands start and stop a capture using the current settings. They also return the current logic levels and analog voltages at the inputs. To set the capture settings you would like, make a configuration file for those settings and execute the OpenConfiguration command below to load them.

StartCapture -> OK/NoActiveDevice/AlreadyStarted

StopCapture -> OK/NoActiveDevice/NotStarted

isCapturing -> Yes/No

GetCaptureSize -> number of bytes captured

GetCaptureTime -> How long the capture is in seconds

GetLogic -> 8-bits of current logic levels

GetCH1 -> voltage at CH1

GetCH2 -> voltage at CH2

GetCH3 -> voltage at CH3

Output Settings

These commands set the states of the output analog and digital outputs.

SetD0Mode Param -> OK Param: 0=Trisate, 1=0V, 2=3.3V, 3=PWM

SetD0PWM Percent -> OK

SetD1Mode Param -> OK Param: 0=Trisate, 1=0V, 2=3.3V, 3=PWM

SetD1PWM Percent -> OK

SetA0Mode Param -> OK Param: 0=Trisate, 1=0V, 2=1V, 3=2V, 4=3V, 5=3.3V, 6=DC


SetA1Mode Param -> OK Param: 0=Trisate, 1=0V, 2=1V, 3=2V, 4=3V, 5=3.3V, 6=DC, 7=RAMP, 8=SINE, 9=SQUARE, 10-TRIANGLE

SetA1DCLEVEL Volts -> OK

SetA1MINIMUM Volts -> OK

SetA1MAXIMUM Volts -> OK

SetA1Steps Steps -> OK


These commands let you add text to the Notes tab that is saved with the trace data.

ClearNote -> OK

AppendNote string -> OK

View and Cursor Positions

These commands place the cursors on the captured trace, zoom to specific parts of the trace, and opens and closes the tab windows on the right.

SetCursorCurrent time -> OK

SetCursorX1 time -> OK

SetCursorX2 time -> OK

ZoomAll -> OK

ZoomFrom start end -> OK

Search string -> timefound/NOTFOUND

ShowInputs -> OK

ShowOutputs -> OK

ShowList -> OK

ShowSettings -> OK

ShowNotes -> OK

CloseTabs -> OK

File Operations

These commands clear out the settings for a new capture, open and save capture and configuration files, exports the data between the cursors and saves the current screenshot.

NewCapture -> OK

OpenCapture filename -> OK/Error

SaveCapture filename -> OK/Error

SaveBetweenCursors filename -> OK/Error

OpenConfiguration filename -> OK/Error

SaveConfiguration filename -> OK/Error

ExportBetweenCursors filename -> OK/Error

SaveScreenshot filename -> OK/Error

Exit -> OK

Example Usage

Below is a sample application written in C using QT that shows how to connect to the TCP Socket (localhost::37800) and sends all of the commands and receives the responses for each.

Source Code Output

The output of this program looks like this:

Command:   "Hello\n"
Response:  "HELLO\n"
Command:   "isConnected\n"
Response:  "YES\n"
Command:   "ShowInputs\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "ShowList\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "ShowSettings\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "ShowNotes\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "ShowOutputs\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "CloseTabs\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD0Mode 0\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD0Mode 1\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD0Mode 2\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD0Mode 3\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD0PWM 25\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD0PWM 75\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD1Mode 0\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD1Mode 1\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD1Mode 2\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD1Mode 3\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD1PWM 25\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetD1PWM 75\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0Mode 0\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0Mode 1\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0Mode 2\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0Mode 3\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0Mode 4\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0Mode 5\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0Mode 6\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0DCLEVEL 0.5\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0DCLEVEL 1.5\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA0DCLEVEL 2.5\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 1\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 2\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 3\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 4\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 6\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1DCLEVEL 0.5\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1DCLEVEL 1.5\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 7\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1MINIMUM 0.5\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1MAXIMUM 2.5\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 8\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 9\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Mode 10\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Steps 4000\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetA1Steps 500\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "isCapturing\n"
Response:  "NO\n"
Command:   "STARTCAPTURE\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "GetLogic\n"
Response:  "0\n"
Command:   "GetCH1\n"
Response:  "0.862284\n"
Command:   "GetCH2\n"
Response:  "0.863042\n"
Command:   "GetCH3\n"
Response:  "-0.0238061\n"
Command:   "STOPCAPTURE\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "GetCaptureSize\n"
Response:  "1085440\n"
Command:   "GetCaptureTime\n"
Response:  "0.201007\n"
Command:   "ShowNotes\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "ClearNote\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "AppendNote Sent to the Active-Pro Application.\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "AppendNote \n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "AppendNote And here is more data.\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "ZOOMALL\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "ZoomFrom 1.0 2.0\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetCursorCurrent 1\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "Search mon\n"
Response:  "NOTFOUND\n"
Command:   "Search booga\n"
Response:  "NOTFOUND\n"
Command:   "SetCursorCurrent 3\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetCursorX1 0\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SetCursorX2 5.0\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "ExportBetweenCursors C:\\APITesting\\test.csv\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SaveCapture C:\\APITesting\\\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SaveBetweenCursors C:\\APITesting\\\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SaveConfiguration C:\\APITesting\\\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "OpenConfiguration C:\\APITesting\\\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "SaveScreenshot C:\\APITesting\\testclosed.png\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "NewCapture\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "OpenCapture C:\\APITesting\\\n"
Response:  "OK\n"
Command:   "Exit\n"
Response:  "OK\n"

Example Source Code Listing

#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <qthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define ACTIVE_TCP_PORT 37800

void SendCommand( QTcpSocket *socket, const char *str)
    QString command(str);
    qDebug() << "Command:  " << command;                // Print the command we are sending to the console window

    socket->write(str);           // Send a Command (must be \n terminated)
    socket->waitForBytesWritten();  // Wait for the command to be sent

QString ReadResponse( QTcpSocket *socket )
    QString response;

    if (!socket->canReadLine())             // If we have not received the entire response yet,
        socket->waitForReadyRead(1000);     // Wait to receive the response

    response = socket->readLine();          // Read the entire response including the '\n'
    qDebug() << "Response: " << response;   // Print the response we received to the console window

    return (response);                      // Return the response


int main(int argc, char const* argv[])

    QTcpSocket socket;

    socket.connectToHost("localhost", ACTIVE_TCP_PORT); // Connect to the Active-Pro Application

    if (socket.waitForConnected()) {                    // Wait for the connection to be initialized

        // Determining if we are connected to the Active-Pro Application and the Active-Pro Hardware Pod

        SendCommand( &socket, "Hello\n");               // See if we are talking OK to the Active-Pro Application
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "isConnected\n");         // See if the Active-Pro Application is connected to the Active-Pro Pod
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        // Opening and Closing the Tabbed Windows on the right side of the application

        SendCommand( &socket, "ShowInputs\n");          // Show the Inputs Window in the Active-Pro App
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "ShowList\n");            // Show the List Window in the Active-Pro App
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "ShowSettings\n");        // Show the Settings Window in the Active-Pro App
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "ShowNotes\n");           // Show the Notes Window in the Active-Pro App
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "ShowOutputs\n");         // Show the Outputs Window in the Active-Pro App
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "CloseTabs\n");           // Close any open tabs in the Active-Pro App
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        // Setting Outputs A0, A1, D0 and D1

        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD0Mode 0\n");         // Set the D0 Output level to Tristate
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD0Mode 1\n");         // Set the D0 Output level to 0V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD0Mode 2\n");         // Set the D0 Output level to 3.3V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD0Mode 3\n");         // Set the D0 Output level to PWM Mode
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD0PWM 25\n");         // Set the D0 Output PWM Percentage to 25% high
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD0PWM 75\n");         // Set the D0 Output PWM Percentage to 75% high
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD1Mode 0\n");         // Set the D1 Output level to Tristate
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD1Mode 1\n");         // Set the D1 Output level to 0V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD1Mode 2\n");         // Set the D1 Output level to 3.3V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD1Mode 3\n");         // Set the D1 Output level to PWM Mode
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD1PWM 25\n");         // Set the D1 Output level PWM Percentage to 25% high
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetD1PWM 75\n");         // Set the D1 Output level PWM Percentage to 75% high
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0Mode 0\n");         // Set the A0 Output level to Tristate
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0Mode 1\n");         // Set the A0 Output level to 0V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0Mode 2\n");         // Set the A0 Output level to 1V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0Mode 3\n");         // Set the A0 Output level to 2V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0Mode 4\n");         // Set the A0 Output level to 3V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0Mode 5\n");         // Set the A0 Output level to 3.3V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0Mode 6\n");         // Set the A0 Output level to DC
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0DCLEVEL 0.5\n");    // Set the A0 Output DC level to 0.5V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0DCLEVEL 1.5\n");    // Set the A0 Output DC level to 1.5V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA0DCLEVEL 2.5\n");    // Set the A0 Output DC level to 2.5V
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 1\n");         // Set the A1 Output level to 0V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 2\n");         // Set the A1 Output level to 1V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 3\n");         // Set the A1 Output level to 2V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 4\n");         // Set the A1 Output level to 3V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 6\n");         // Set the A1 Output level to DC
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1DCLEVEL 0.5\n");    // Set the A1 Output DC level to 0.5V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1DCLEVEL 1.5\n");    // Set the A1 Output DC level to 1.5V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 7\n");         // Set the A1 Output to a Ramp waveform
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1MINIMUM 0.5\n");    // Set the A1 waveform minimum to 0.5V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1MAXIMUM 2.5\n");    // Set the A1 waveform maximum to 2.5V
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 8\n");         // Set the A1 Output to a Sine waveform
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 9\n");         // Set the A1 Output to a Square waveform
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Mode 10\n");        // Set the A1 Output to a Triangle waveform
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Steps 4000\n");     // Set the A1 Output waveform to be 4000 steps per cycle (16.17msecs).  Each step is 4usecs.
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetA1Steps 500\n");      // Set the A1 Output waveform to be 500 steps per cycle (2msecs). Each step is 4usecs.
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        // Capture Control

        SendCommand( &socket, "isCapturing\n");         // Check if the Active-Pro is capturing data
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "STARTCAPTURE\n");        // Start a capture
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "GetLogic\n");            // Get the current Logic Inputs (0-255 each bit is a channel ie. bit 0 = channel 0 digital level)
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "GetCH1\n");              // Get the current voltage on analog CH1 in volts
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "GetCH2\n");              // Get the current voltage on analog CH2 in volts
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "GetCH3\n");              // Get the current voltage on analog CH3 in volts
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "STOPCAPTURE\n");         // Stop the capture
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "GetCaptureSize\n");      // How big is the capture in bytes
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "GetCaptureTime\n");      // How long is the capture in seconds
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        // Clearing and Entering Notes into the Notes Window

        SendCommand( &socket, "ShowNotes\n");           // Show the Notes Window in the Active-Pro App
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "ClearNote\n");           // Clear out the notes in the Notes Window
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "AppendNote Sent to the Active-Pro Application.\n");     // Add text to the Notes Window
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "AppendNote \n");         // Add a blank line to the notes window
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "AppendNote And here is more data.\n");   // Add more text to the notes window
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        // Zooming the trace window

        SendCommand( &socket, "ZOOMALL\n");             // Zoom the waveforms to see all of the capture
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "ZoomFrom 1.0 2.0\n");    // Zoom the waveforms from 1s to 2s
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        // Searching for data

        SendCommand( &socket, "SetCursorCurrent 1\n");  // Place the Current Cursor at time 1 seconds.  This cursor is where the searching starts from.
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "Search mon\n");          // Find "mon" in the trace starting from the Current Cursor.  Returns the time that it was found.
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "Search booga\n");        // Find "booga" in the trace.  If not found it returns NOTFOUND
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        // Setting Cursor Positions

        SendCommand( &socket, "SetCursorCurrent 3\n");  // Place the Current cursor at time 3.0 seconds
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetCursorX1 0\n");       // Place the X1 cursor at time 0.0 seconds
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SetCursorX2 5.0\n");     // Place the X2 cursor at time 5.0 seconds
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        // File Operations

        SendCommand( &socket, "ExportBetweenCursors C:\\APITesting\\test.csv\n");   // Export all decoded traffic between the X1 and X2 cursors to a file (csv format)
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SaveCapture C:\\APITesting\\\n");   // Export all decoded traffic between the X1 and X2 cursors to a file (csv format)
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SaveBetweenCursors C:\\APITesting\\\n");   // Export all decoded traffic between the X1 and X2 cursors to a file (csv format)
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SaveConfiguration C:\\APITesting\\\n");   // Export all decoded traffic between the X1 and X2 cursors to a file (csv format)
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "OpenConfiguration C:\\APITesting\\\n");   // Export all decoded traffic between the X1 and X2 cursors to a file (csv format)
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "SaveScreenshot C:\\APITesting\\testclosed.png\n");   // Take a screenshot of the Active-Pro App window and save it to a file
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "NewCapture\n");          // Reset all settings and clear any existing capture data
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "OpenCapture C:\\APITesting\\\n");     // Open a capture file that was previously saved
        ReadResponse( &socket );
        SendCommand( &socket, "Exit\n");          // Closes the Active-Pro Application
        ReadResponse( &socket );

        socket.close();                                     // Close the connection

Command Line Application

We have written a simple command line application that can be called by batch files, scripts, or other programs to send a command to the Active-Pro application. This application only works on Windows currently, but we have included the source code below if you’d like to port it over to other operating systems. It is a single executable file and needs no support files, so simply unzip the file and place it somewhere accessible by your path settings.

Command Line Application Source Code

// This program accesses the TCP Socket to the Active-Pro API so people dom't need to write code.
// This works with Active-Pro App version 4.0 and above
// Each call simply:
//      - Open the connection to the app
//      - Sends the Command
//      - Receives the response
//      - Writes the response to the commandline output (stdio)
//      - Closes the connection
//      - Exits

#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QtCore>

#define ACTIVE_TCP_PORT_DEVICE_1 37800
#define ACTIVE_TCP_PORT_DEVICE_2 37801

QTcpSocket socket;

void SendCommand( QTcpSocket *socket, QString QStr)
    const char *str = QStr.toLocal8Bit().constData();

    socket->write(str);           // Send a Command (must be \n terminated)
    socket->waitForBytesWritten();  // Wait for the command to be sent

QString ReadResponse( QTcpSocket *socket)
    QString response;

    response = socket->readAll();

    while (!response.contains("\n"))             // If we have not received the entire response yet,
        response +=socket->readAll();

    return (response);                      // Return the response

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QTextStream out(stdout);        // Send the output to stdout

    QString Command;
    int device = 1;     // Default to device 1
    int port = ACTIVE_TCP_PORT_DEVICE_1;

    bool throwhelpscreen = 0;

    // Validate the command line arguments
    if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3) || ((argc == 2) && (strcmpi(argv[1], "-?")) == 0))
        throwhelpscreen = 1;
    else if (argc == 2)
        // No port number so just get the command
        device = 1;     // Default to device 1
        port = ACTIVE_TCP_PORT_DEVICE_1;
        Command = QString::fromLatin1(argv[1]);
    else if (argc == 3)
        // The port is specified
        if (strcmpi(argv[1], "1") == 0)
            port = ACTIVE_TCP_PORT_DEVICE_1;
            device = 1;
            Command = QString::fromLatin1(argv[2]);
        else if (strcmpi(argv[1], "2") == 0)
            port = ACTIVE_TCP_PORT_DEVICE_2;
            device = 2;
            Command = QString::fromLatin1(argv[2]);
            throwhelpscreen = 1;

    if (throwhelpscreen)
        out << "ActiveAPICommandLine version 1.1\n";
        out << "Usage: activeapicommandline [optional device number] \"command with parameters\"\n";
        out << "       [optional device number] is 1 or 2.  Device number 1 is default if not provided.\n";
        out << "       command is the command to send and must be encloded in quotes.\n";
        out << "       Responses will be written to the console output (stdio).\n";
        out << "       Commands and Responses are available at\n";

        return (0);

    socket.connectToHost("localhost", port);

    if (socket.waitForConnected(5000)) {                // Wait for the connection to be initialized

        SendCommand( &socket, Command + "\n");          // Append a new line

        QString response = ReadResponse( &socket );

        out << response;      // The responses already have a new line

        if (socket.state() != QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState)

        socket.close();                               // Close the connection
       out << "Can not connect to device " << device << " on port " << port << "\n";

    return (0);

Command Line Application Usage

The batch files below show how to launch 2 separate Active-Pro Applications connected to 2 separate Active Pro pods, and how to send commands to either of the applications.

This first batch file simply launches 2 instances of the Active-Pro Application and assigns them each an ID, 1 and 2. These IDs are used by the following batch file to specify which Active-Pro you want to communicate with.

Filename: Launch2ActiveApps.bat

start ActiveProDebugger -a 1
start ActiveProDebugger -a 2

This batch file below talks to the 2 separate Active-Pro Applications, each attached to a separate Active-Pro pod.

Filename: SendCommandsToActives.bat

activeapicommandline 1 "startcapture"
activeapicommandline 2 "startcapture"

activeapicommandline 1 "stopcapture"
activeapicommandline 2 "stopcapture"

activeapicommandline 1 "closetabs"
activeapicommandline 2 "closetabs"



Themes and Hot Keys


Technical Specifications