Trace Events to Source Code


The Trace Events to Source Code feature links trace events from the waveform analyzer to the corresponding source code lines.

Interface Components

  • Waveform Display: Shows trace events across various channels such as TX, RX, and ERROR.

  • Active Debug Port Devices ComboBox: Located at the top-right, select from a list of devices configured to use the Active Debug Port.

  • Active Debug Port Channels ComboBox: Choose from available channels for the selected device.

  • Source Code Directory: Input the directory path of the source code for the device’s firmware project.

  • Data Output Locations List: Displays all locations within the firmware where the selected device outputs data to the chosen channel.

  • Source Code Viewer: Displays the source code file corresponding to the selected output location, highlighting the exact line of code responsible for the output.

Setup Process

  1. Select Your Device: From the Devices ComboBox, choose your device.

  2. Select the Channel: Use the Channels ComboBox to select the desired channel.

  3. Set the Source Code Directory: Click "Browse" to locate and set the directory containing your device's firmware source code.

  4. View Data Output Locations: The list below the directory input will show all firmware locations where data is output to the selected channel.

Linking Trace Events to Source Code

  1. Interact with the Waveform: Right-click on a line in the waveform trace that shows debug data for an Active Debug Port device and select Show Source Code from the context menu.

  2. Code Examination: The Source Code Viewer will automatically highlight the relevant line of code, giving you immediate insight into the source that created the selected debug item in the waveform.


Active Debug Port


Current Analyzer