Navigating Captures

Wave Lines

Once you have a trace captured you can navigate around the trace a number of ways. 

To view the entire trace in a single window, press the Zoom All button.  This will scale the data so it all fits from the first sample to the last on the timeline.

To zoom in or out on the data, hover over the waveforms and use the mouse scroll wheel or scroll up and down with two fingers on the trackpad. 

To pan the waveforms to the left or right, click and drag the waveforms with the mouse or scroll sideways with two fingers on the trackpad.

It is much quicker to navigate by zooming out and back in than to pan long distances.

You can reorder the wavelines by clicking and dragging them by the left tab.  You can rename the wavelines by selecting and entering new text.

Modifying Wave lines

Each line on the display is called a Waveline.  Wavelines can be modified to your liking so that you see the data you need to solve your problem.  You can delete, add, move, or reconfigure any waveline.

To Delete a Waveline from the screen, press the little X near the signal name.  This will remove the waveline from the screen.  Once a waveline is deleted from the screen, a small + appears in that sections header.

To Show Deleted Wavelines, click the + icon in the header of that section. All deleted wavelines will be restored.

 To Move a Waveline, simply click on the tab on the left and drag it to the new position. 

To Collapse and expand an entire section, click the icon on the left of the header. It will be a right arrow if the section is collapsed and a down arrow if the section is expanded.

Fast Pan Bus Viewing

The ACTIVE-Pro  Fast Pan Bus Viewing lets you quickly pan through a busses decoded data.  Simply hover the mouse over the waveline desired and press the left and right arrows to page to the next or previous bus transactions.

Navigating the Decoded Data List

All of the ACTIVE-PRO Text or Value output is displayed as well in a vertical window on the right side of the screen.  Data that is displayed starts at the current mouse position.  The vertical scrollbar can be changed to widen the list to view all of your data.  They are listed in chronological order starting at the left of the waveform data.

To scroll the ACTIVE-PRO Text and Values output window, first click on the waveforms to lock the current cursor position, then use the scroll wheel to scroll up and down.  You can also use the arrow up/down and the Page Up/Down buttons on the keyboard.

Scrolling, Zooming and Panning Waveforms

The Waveform display area is where the measured signal information is shown.  It is displayed with time increasing from left to right and voltage increasing from bottom to top. 


To Scroll the Waveforms in Time left and right, you can simply click and drag the waveform itself with the left mouse button. 

To Zoom In or Zoom Out you can use the scroll wheel on the waveform.  To zoom in, scroll up.  To zoom out in time, scroll down. 

To view the entire capture buffer on the display, press the Zoom All button. 

Measurements and Cursors

Measurements are done using two cursors that you can place anywhere in the trace buffer.  You place the cursors by hovering over the timeline bar at the top of the window and double-clicking either the Left (for X1) or Right (for X2) mouse buttons.  You can also place the cursors by double clicking on the waveforms, Left double-click for X1 and Right double-click for X2.

The resulting time delta and equivalent frequency is then displayed between the cursors.

Each Analog line (either Analog input or ACTIVE-PRO Value waveform) can also have a measurement marker that shows the value at that sample.  Simply double-click on the waveform to place the cursor. 

Filter and Search

In the ACTIVE-PRO Text or Values List you can filter the results based on the channels that are visible on the wavelines. To filter out a channel, press the Delete X on the right of the waveline title.

To search the ACTIVE-PRO Text output for a certain string, type your search string in the edit box at the top of the vertical list and press Enter or click the search icon. It will search forward in time from the lcurrent sursor position and find the next occurrence of the search string.  If it finds it it will place it at the center of the screen with the text line at the top of the text window.

The search obeys the filters set in the text window for its search algorithm.

The text search is a partial match algorithm.  If the entered text matches anywhere in the debug string it will declare it a match. 


Capturing Signals and Data


Packet Presenter